Avoid all fluoride in toothpaste, oral rinses / products, and water. Fluoride is a poison and a significant contributor to lowered IQ and a wide range of chronic inflammatory diseases, stomach problems, metabolic disorders, neurological diseases, thyroid problems, and cancer. Did you know that a single tube of bubble-gum flavored Colgate-for-Kids toothpaste contains enough fluoride to kill a small child? It simply does not make sense to try to strengthen (or so they claim) one part of the body by poisoning the rest of the body especially when there are safe methods that work more effectively. Is just "a little poison" OK for you and your family?
Poisonous Chemtrails Still Go Unnoticed By State Senator Warren
Weather forecasters call for a sunny day today in the Berkshires with scattered Chemtrails dulling down the sun’s rays! This should be the reported weather forecast today but no one seems to care or even take notice of this ever growing trend. A trend that is harmful to all life on this planet. ![]() Anvil is a commonly used pesticide. This chemical is being fog-sprayed weekly and biweekly [by truck] in at least seven towns in Berkshire County in the summer months under the Mosquito Control Project. Towns involved include Clarksburg, Hinsdale, Otis, Richmond, Sheffield, Stockbridge, and Tyringham. Spraying is either requested by homeowners or initiated as a result of surveillance that identifies areas of high mosquito density.¹ The practice is allowed because the available science is interpreted to mean Anvil is safe when used to spray in these ways. Those entities that actually conduct the spraying are simply relying on what is accepted as “expert opinion.” This practice poses potential hazards to residents. The use of Anvil is based on fundamentally flawed thinking on what is safe and what is dangerous. I will confine my remarks in this brief article to comments on Anvil. My principal points also apply to most herbicide and pesticide use, including the chemicals used on lawns by thousands of homeowners countywide. ![]()
Dr. Mercola Interviews Caroline Barringer (You Tube clip below). Learn how "reseeding" your gut with fermented foods and probiotics may be one of the most important steps you can take to improve your health. Poor diet and antibiotics can wipe out the beneficial bacteria in your gut, giving pathogens free rein to proliferate unchecked. Historically, people used to get large quantities of beneficial bacteria, i.e. probiotics, straight from their diet in the form of fermented or cultured foods. Each mouthful of fermented food can provide trillions of beneficial bacteria--far more than you can get from a probiotics supplement. Fermented foods are cost effective, easier than you might think to make, and give you a wider variety of beneficial bacteria. To learn more, visit Dr. Mercola's website and click on the "Read more" link below to listen to his interview with Caroline Barringer, a Nutritional Therapy Practitioner (NTP) who has been involved with nutrition for about 20 years. She's now one of Dr. Campbell-McBride's (the GAP Diet) chief training partners, helping people understand the food preparation process.
Dr. Mercola states, "The importance of your gut flora, and its influence on your health cannot be overstated. It's truly profound." Taking an over the counter probiotic supplement is rarely sufficient. Learning how to truly heal your digestive track and gut flora can be the key to healing a wide range of health problems including arthritis, serious nervous disorders, learning disabilities, autism, skin disorders, colon disorders, and other degenerative conditions. For more information, listen to the excellent video below and read a fascinating article by Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBrides called One Man's Meat is another Man's Poison!