More people are testing positive (especially as much more testing is occurring), but LESS people are getting seriously ill and dying. This is good news! The virus is evolving to be less virulent (as viruses do), and we are getting closer to natural herd immunity (if we allow it). Should we be in lockdown for a second wave -- no! It is important to note that the CDC stats show the infection fatality rate at only 0.26% (and many experts feel that a considerable number of deaths have been inaccurately attributed to COVID-19, so the count is most likely lower). Every year an estimated 290,000 to 650,000 people die in the world due to complications from seasonal influenza (flu). Currently the total purported deaths from COVID-19 is under 600,000. And if you have not heard (because you are only listening to censored news), there are doctors/therapies that have an extremely high success rate curing COVID-19 that are being suppressed. But some independent mainstream doctors have persevered, and their patients are doing very well. We are literally at war for our medical rights and our freedom in this country. Please join us in learning more, speaking up, and contacting our legislators and representatives. We must act now.
Mask Test On Child Shows Harm. This video was taken down on YouTube. Thank you BitChute for helping to keep America free and not censoring information!The video above, from an independent news platform, shows evidence that masks are indeed harmful (especially to children).
Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and Del Bigtree from The Highwire and the Informed Consent Action Network discuss COVID-19 and vaccines.
Suppressed Therapies & Censorship |
Loss of Individual Freedom |
This interview with Robert F. Kennedy clearly explains why we feel it is so vitally important not to wear masks. Also learn more about suppressed therapies, censorship, and more. COVID-19 is about much more than what it appears to be. Our democracy--our freedom in this country--with no exaggeration, is quite literally at stake. Please watch this entire video to fully understand the depth of what is happening. Things are not at all what they seem. When you do your research it becomes shockingly crystal clear.
Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and Vaxxed2’s Polly Tommey cover a wide range of topics including Dr. Fauci’s failures and dialed-back vaccine promises, toxic vaccine adjuvants, Bill Gates’ GAVI and loss of individual freedom, annual flu death exaggerations and more.
The CDC’s Guidelines For Certifying Coronavirus Deaths Could Be Misleading The Public. Tony Robbins interviews Senator Scott Jensen, a family physician from Minnesota, about the CDC’s guidelines for reporting COVID-19 deaths – and how some hospitals may be over-reporting fatalities in order to receive more funding. This issue is crucial to be informed about, because many patients who merely test positive for COVID-19 but die of other causes are listed as coronavirus deaths to benefit the hospital’s bottom line.
Introducing the “Facts From the Frontlines” episode of #TheTonyRobbinsPodcast – where Tony uncovers the truth about coronavirus with a 7-person panel of highly qualified researchers, an experienced epidemiologist, a Nobel Laureate, and MDs testing and treating patients on the frontlines. Together, they reveal the evidence-based research that has come to light in the last two months. To hear the full podcast click here.
Studies Show
We have written to our Massachusetts Department of Public Health (see letter below) about their illegal claims and propaganda. If you write to them, as well as our local agencies, we can make a difference! The best way to reach our state health department right now is through
There are studies that conclusively show that cloth and surgical masks DO NOT protect the wearer from getting a viral infection including COVID-19. There are also studies showing that cloth and surgical masks do reduce (but by no means eliminate) the number of potential droplets being projected from the wearer into the environment to some degree (if the mask is sealed tight to the face at the edges and not shifted around, touched, or reworn without washing daily), but there are currently no conclusive studies showing that this actually reduces the rate of COVID-19 infections (and hardly anyone wears a mask correctly, thereby potentially increasing, not decreasing rate of infection). There are, however, many conclusive studies showing that masks pose a risk to your health and freedom in many ways (including lowering oxygen below safe levels according to OSHA standards (see video above) and lowering your immune system which is counterproductive under the circumstances). There is no scientific proof that these risks outweigh the benefits (if any).
Either way, wearing a mask (or taking any drug including a vaccine) should be a personal choice in a free country, and no one should be intimidated/shamed into doing anything they do not wish to do. If you fear for your health from a virus (COVID-19, the flu, or other), then you have the option to shelter in as was always the procedure in the past. Healthy people should not be confined, and our economy should not have been destroyed. Does it make sense to you that local businesses were closed when big box stores were allowed to stay open, especially when the death rate from COVID-19 is only slightly more than the flu? Why have successful therapies for COVID-19 (yes there are inexpensive mainstream therapies that work) been covered up? Much more is going on here than meets the eye and a good part of it involves billions of dollars to be made with a new vaccine (one they have suggested may be forced on you). If you follow the money and power trail it will take you directly back to the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. In our family we do not ask our daughter to wear a mask (especially after watching the videos above) and we will not wear them either. It is not because we don't care about others . . . it is because we have done our research and know the facts. In addition, we must protect our constitutional rights if we hope to keep them.
There are studies that conclusively show that cloth and surgical masks DO NOT protect the wearer from getting a viral infection including COVID-19. There are also studies showing that cloth and surgical masks do reduce (but by no means eliminate) the number of potential droplets being projected from the wearer into the environment to some degree (if the mask is sealed tight to the face at the edges and not shifted around, touched, or reworn without washing daily), but there are currently no conclusive studies showing that this actually reduces the rate of COVID-19 infections (and hardly anyone wears a mask correctly, thereby potentially increasing, not decreasing rate of infection). There are, however, many conclusive studies showing that masks pose a risk to your health and freedom in many ways (including lowering oxygen below safe levels according to OSHA standards (see video above) and lowering your immune system which is counterproductive under the circumstances). There is no scientific proof that these risks outweigh the benefits (if any).
Either way, wearing a mask (or taking any drug including a vaccine) should be a personal choice in a free country, and no one should be intimidated/shamed into doing anything they do not wish to do. If you fear for your health from a virus (COVID-19, the flu, or other), then you have the option to shelter in as was always the procedure in the past. Healthy people should not be confined, and our economy should not have been destroyed. Does it make sense to you that local businesses were closed when big box stores were allowed to stay open, especially when the death rate from COVID-19 is only slightly more than the flu? Why have successful therapies for COVID-19 (yes there are inexpensive mainstream therapies that work) been covered up? Much more is going on here than meets the eye and a good part of it involves billions of dollars to be made with a new vaccine (one they have suggested may be forced on you). If you follow the money and power trail it will take you directly back to the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. In our family we do not ask our daughter to wear a mask (especially after watching the videos above) and we will not wear them either. It is not because we don't care about others . . . it is because we have done our research and know the facts. In addition, we must protect our constitutional rights if we hope to keep them.
Letter Sent to our Massachusetts Department of Public Health on 7/1/20.
We were reviewing the Massachusetts Department of Public Health's face covering fact sheet and website for an article that we are getting ready to publish. I would appreciate it if a representative of the department respond to each of my questions and comments in detail in writing. Thank you again.
Please respond regarding these examples. Note that following is the link to Massachusetts law protecting the public against discrimination regarding shopping and utilizing services in Massachusetts (click here to view).
Can you please answer/comment on each of the following important articles/quotes in detail. Thank you.
Can you please answer each of the following important questions (supplying peer reviewed scientific studies for each question). Thank you.
As requested above, please show me several peer reviewed scientific studies backing each of your answers. If you do not have conclusive answers backed with scientific studies, how can any agency safely and legally make everyone wear masks without choice and state that they will be fined?
Kathy I Regan
Our BerkshireTimes Magazine
- The MA Department of Public Health's fact sheet mentioned that there is scientific evidence showing that cloth face masks are helpful in reducing transmission of COVID-19 (viruses) but the department of health does not share those studies. Can you please send me the studies that are being referred to. Many of the studies on the CDC website regarding masks (if you read them carefully) are inconclusive. They either do not mention masks, use too few people for a proper study, are incomplete stating more research/study is needed, or are not yet determined. So since the CDC does not have complete, credible studies to show regarding cloth false masks, can you please show me the studies you have that you have used to back your claims and clearly show that the warnings I have listed below are unfounded. There are studies that conclusively show that cloth and surgical masks DO NOT protect the wearer from getting a viral infection including COVID-19. There are also studies showing that cloth and surgical masks do reduce (not eliminate) the amount of droplets being projected from the wearer into the environment do some degree, BUT there are currently no conclusive studies showing that wearing masks actually reduces the rate of COVID-19 infections! There are however studies showing that masks do indeed pose a risk to your health and there is no proof that these risks outweigh the benefits.
- We would to see the law (actual law not order/mandate/guidance) stating that the public in Massachusetts must wear masks, and the law (actual law not order/mandate/guidance) that store owners and service businesses have the right to discriminate against those who do not wear masks. Here is an outline of the law on saying they cannot discriminate. If it is not a law that store owners and service businesses can indeed discriminate (legally) against non-mask wearers, and that fines cannot be given to the public for not wearing a mask (legally), then this means that the MA Department of Public Health is giving the public illegal advice, and the store owners and service businesses that the MA Department of Public Health is advising are breaking the law because of their advice. Can you please tell me what The MA Department of Public Health intends to do to help patrons that are being discriminated against when store owners and service businesses are breaking the law because of their advice? I'm sure the MA Department of Public Health does not intend to give illegal advice and would like to correct this situation as soon as possible so that they are not open to lawsuits as well.
- A licensed medical professional is the only person qualified to give medical advice, including the advice to wear a mask, which can negatively affect the respiratory system, neurological system, and immune system. Practicing medicine without a license is an offense punishable by law. How can the MA Department of Public Health legally demand that the public wear masks and threaten fines?
- There are many health experts still saying that wearing masks and gloves as a precaution against coronavirus is ineffective, unnecessary for the vast majority of people, and may even spread infections faster, and give people who wear them a false sense of security. The fact is if you watch almost everyone with a mask on for more than five minutes, they touch them constantly moving them around on and off of their face readjusting them and touching surfaces (without washing their hands), and most of them are by no means air tight. A 2015 study in the American Journal of Infection Control found that people touch their face on average 20 times an hour and this has in fact increased with the use of face masks. Your comments please?
- Surgical face mask boxes state they do not provide protection against viruses. Yet, claims are made by the CDC that although they do not protect the wearer, they "may" protect others. Please provide a detailed list of scientific studies (not agency claims), links to these studies, and exact stats showing this is true? I would like to see studies showing that if viruses pass from the environment to the wearer through a mask as they have been proven to do, how is it possible that viruses do not pass from the wearer to the environment?
- We have found studies and statements from many credible resources, such as the one in The New England Journal of Medicine listed below, stating that face masks are not very (if at all) effective in reducing the transmission of COVID-19 or any virus. Why does your "fact" sheet not also disclose this information as well since they are from credible resources? This is misleading the public.
- Nor does your fact sheet share all detailed expert medical warnings about wearing face masks, of which there are many. Including but by no means limited to:
- The FDA states "Masks for non-medical purposes are not medical devices and are not regulated by the FDA." See statements. They may be flammable and dangerous. If on the other hand they have been treated with fire retardants this would expose the wearer to breathing toxic chemicals. Why has the MA Department of Health not issued a detailed statement warning the public about masks when they are stating everyone must wear one (even though it is not a law and even though everyone does not have COVID-19 or if they get COVID-19 may not even be seriously harmed by the virus?
- Expert warns that exercising with a face mask on could prove fatal - see article.
- Masks do indeed reduce the amount of oxygen a person breathes (as it is displaced by carbon dioxide) and restricts breathing. Wearing a face can cause headaches and reduce oxygen levels- A recent study involving 159 healthcare workers aged 21 to 35 years of age found that 81% developed headaches from wearing a face mask… That is, a reduction in blood oxygenation (hypoxia) or an elevation in blood CO2 (hypercapnia). It is known that the N95 mask, if worn for hours, can reduce blood oxygenation as much as 20%. And proper oxygenation of the blood is essential for energy, mental clarity, focus and emotional well-being. (Ong JJY et al. Headaches associated with personal protective equipment - A cross sectional study among frontline healthcare workers during COVID-19. Headache 2020;60(5):864-877.) See article.
- “By wearing a mask, the exhaled viruses will not be able to escape and will concentrate in the nasal passages, enter the olfactory nerves and travel into the brain.” Article by Russell Blaylock M.D., published May 14, 2020 in Technocracy News & Trends. Dr. Blaylock is a prominent retired neurosurgeon and author of health-related books. “We know that people who have the worst reactions to the coronavirus have the highest concentrations of the virus early on. And this leads to the deadly cytokine storm in a selected number.” (Blaylock: Face Masks Pose Serious Risks To The Healthy; see article.
- Wearing a face mask causes one to re-breath the carbon dioxide (CO2), that the lungs are attempting to expel - This in turn reduces the immune response, negatively affects epithelial cell function (cells in the lungs and blood vessels) and lowers the amount of oxygen exchange across the alveolar membranes. From the article: “Hypercapnia, the elevation of carbon dioxide (CO2) in blood and tissues, commonly occurs in severe acute and chronic respiratory diseases, and is associated with increased risk of mortality. Recent studies have shown that hypercapnia adversely affects innate immunity, host defense, lung edema clearance and cell proliferation. Airway epithelial dysfunction is a feature of advanced lung disease….These changes in gene expression indicate the potential for hypercapnia to impact bronchial epithelial cell function in ways that may contribute to poor clinical outcomes in patients with severe acute or advanced chronic lung diseases.”This clearly can have a negative impact with a disease like COVID-19. See article.
- Textile materials (that can be used for cloth masks) can contain harmful chemicals and dyes (i.e. formaldehyde). There is no research available regarding the safety of breathing through such materials but formaldehyde is a gas that can irritate a person’s eyes, nose, throat and lungs, or trigger an asthma attack, even at low concentrations. Prolonged exposure to formaldehyde can cause cancer. See this link and also this link.
- Standard practice for any widespread health issue (in a free country with its constitutional/civil rights still being upheld and protected) the vulnerable population is advised to shelter in and the rest of the population conducts business as usual (as per their constitutional and God given rights). Can you please show me the law (actual law not order/mandate/guidance) that has given you the right to advise/direct/require people to do otherwise?
- OSHA states that workers only need to wear a face mask for COVID-19 if tolerated. See page 10 of this document. So how can this be otherwise for the public at large? And why has the Department of Public Health not made this clear on their website? Please point this out if I missed it.
- Dr. Anthony Fauci has stated: “People should not be walking around wearing masks. Masks do not provide the protection people think they do.”
Please respond regarding these examples. Note that following is the link to Massachusetts law protecting the public against discrimination regarding shopping and utilizing services in Massachusetts (click here to view).
- Example 1) - I will use myself as the example. I had stage IV cancer in the 1990s (Hodgkins) with many tumors in my lung area. I literally almost suffocated to death. I now find it impossible to wear a mask or have anything restricting my breathing in any way -- if I do I have a full panic attack and other negative physical ramifications. I do not have a medical document stating this condition (and should not have to pay to get a document giving me an exemption if it is not a law), but I do have a very real issue that is beyond my control. I had an urgent appointment with Berkshire Eye in Pittsfield, MA, last week (I was, and am, having pain in my eyes -- this was not a standard checkup) and was intimidated and turned away because I could not wear something over my face that would restrict my breathing. What specific law (actual law not order/mandate/guidance) makes this legal? What does the Department of Public Health intend to do about this since Berkshire Eye was acting on their specific advice? Will Berkshire Eye and/or The MA Department of Public Health accept responsibility if something happens to my eyesight?
- Example 2) - We have heard from a number of our readers that they have been turned away from businesses even with medical exemptions (documents). How is this legal? What does the Department of Public Health intend to do about it since these businesses were acting on their advice?
- Example 3) - Even without a medical exemption, according to MA constitutional rights, how is it legal for the MA Department of Public Health to advise a business to turn away patrons that do not wear masks since no actual law (actual law not order/mandate/guidance) was enacted to make this possible? This is misleading the public.
Can you please answer/comment on each of the following important articles/quotes in detail. Thank you.
- After reviewing ALL of the studies worldwide, the CDC found no reduction in viral transmission with the use of face masks as shown by this study - see study.
- In a CDC article dated June 28, 2020 the CDC states: "homemade masks are not considered PPE [personal protective equipment], since their capability to protect HCP is unknown. See article last paragraph. Many, many people are using homemade masks. How can this be mandated (not a law) when even the CDC directly admits that their capability to protect is unknown? Why is this not clearly listed on your website?
- OSHA states that both cloth and surgical masks will not protect the wearer against airborne transmissible infectious agents due to loose fit and lack of seal or inadequate filtration. See link.
- The FDA states "Masks are loose fitting and may not provide full protection from breathing in airborne pathogens, such as viruses." They also state "Face masks (non-surgical masks) may not provide protection from fluids or may not filter particles, needed to protect against pathogens, such as viruses. They are not for surgical use and are not considered personal protective equipment." See article.
- The US Surgeon General Jerome Adams states: ”Masks are not effective in preventing the general public from catching coronavirus.” See quote.
- Dr. Mike Ryan of the World Health Organization states: "There is no specific evidence to suggest that the wearing of masks by the mass population has any potential benefit. In fact, there’s some evidence to suggest the opposite in the misuse of wearing a mask properly or fitting it properly." See article.
- The New England Journal of Medicine states "We know that wearing a mask outside health care facilities offers little, if any, protection from infection." See article.
Can you please answer each of the following important questions (supplying peer reviewed scientific studies for each question). Thank you.
- Do used and loaded masks become sources of enhanced transmission of viruses, for the wearer and others?
- Do masks become collectors and retainers of pathogens that the mask wearer would otherwise avoid when breathing without a mask?
- Are large droplets captured by a mask atomized or aerosolized into breathable components? Can virions escape an evaporating droplet stuck to a mask fiber?
- What are the dangers of bacterial growth on a used and loaded mask?
- How do pathogen-laden droplets interact with environmental dust and aerosols captured on the mask?
- What are long-term health effects on HCW, such as headaches, arising from impeded breathing?
- Are there negative social consequences to a masked society?
- Are there negative psychological consequences to wearing a mask, as a fear-based behavioral modification?
- What are the environmental consequences of mask manufacturing and disposal?
- Do the masks shed fibers or substances that are harmful when inhaled?
- Do the possible dangers of wearing a mask (essentially a medical procedure since it restricts breathing) outweigh the potential not conclusively proven benefits of reducing the spread of COVID-19?
- Legally how can anyone but their own medical doctor advise a person to wear a mask?
As requested above, please show me several peer reviewed scientific studies backing each of your answers. If you do not have conclusive answers backed with scientific studies, how can any agency safely and legally make everyone wear masks without choice and state that they will be fined?
Kathy I Regan
Our BerkshireTimes Magazine
- The Highwire - Alternative (real) news not funded by Big Pharma and the Gates Foundation) with Del Bigtree. See videos.
- The Healthy American, Peggy Hall - Citizen journalist standing up for truth and freedom. See videos.
- Amazing Polly - A very thorough citizen journalist. Start with her video Global Health Mafia.
- Jaxen Report - Jefferey Jaxen is a researcher, independent investigative journalist, writer and voice for health freedom. See website.
- Dr. Joseph Mercola has posted excellent information about much of the corruption on every angle of COVID. See his videos and important news clips.
- The Truth about Vaccines by Ty and Charlene Bollinger - They sometimes show these episodes for free, but if you choose to pay it helps support the work they do. It's a must watch, exposing not only the corruption about Big Pharma but also the WHO, CDC, NIH, COVID-19, and more. See link.
- The Children's Health Defense. See website. Watch Kennedy's Truth Series in particular.
- London Real has interviewed many of the enlightened professionals involved with current events. Look for his interviews with Dr. Sherri Tenpenny, Kennedy, Andrew Wakefield, Judy Mikovits, Dolores Cahill, and more. See episodes.
This video was taken down on YouTube. Thank you BitChute for helping to keep America free and not censoring information!California Mayer Questions Mask Mandate. Nevada City, CA mayor, Reinette Seenum, explains why she drew ire from the media and Governor Gavin Newsom after publicly questioning the authority and scientific validity of a mask mandate.
This video was taken down on YouTube. Thank you BitChute for helping to keep America free and not censoring information!As the Covid-19 treatment Hydroxychloroquine continues to be portrayed by MSM as an unsuccessful, dangerous drug, Vladimir Zelenko, MD has been saving his patients lives with his “Zelenko Protocol” since March. In his first interview since his HCQ study was officially released, Del goes in depth with Zelenko about how he developed his protocol, the attack against the drug, and how his letter to the President might have changed history.
Truth With RFK, Episode 1 - Earlier this week, Polly Tommey and Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. kicked off the new CHD Channel on Peeps TV with a lively discussion on a wide range of relevant topics in the health freedom movement. RFK, Jr. shed light on conflict of interest in the development of vaccines, early red flags in the Moderna coronavirus vaccine trials, the new “Vaccine Czar”, pathogenic priming and much more.
In Episode 2 of TRUTH, RFK, Jr. spoke with Polly Tommey about the health epidemics of children, delving even deeper into the specific injuries caused by vaccinations, including those listed on the product inserts. Discussion surrounded the fact that there is essentially no safety testing for vaccines; and, once citizens know this information and do their research, they become steadfast advocates. The episode closed with a discussion of rights to refuse vaccinations and that parents shouldn’t be bullied!
In Episode 3 of ‘TRUTH’, RFK, Jr. spoke with Polly Tommey about the health epidemics of children, flu vaccines, mRNA vaccines, media censorship and took questions from the viewers.
In Episode 4 of our weekly “TRUTH” series, RFK, Jr. spoke with Polly Tommey about the suffering of children and families in Africa and India caused by unsafe vaccines backed, distributed and promoted by Bill Gates. They also discuss the power Dr. Anthony Fauci has in steering the direction of research funded by taxpayers.
In Episode 5 of our weekly “TRUTH” series, RFK, Jr. spoke with Polly Tommey about the use of aborted fetal tissue in vaccines, Rachel Carson’s struggle to inform the public about the health risks from exposure to pesticides, and Mr. Kennedy’s long history of holding Monsanto accountable for its dangerous chemicals.
In Episode 6 of our weekly “TRUTH” series, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and Vaxxed2’s Polly Tommey took on the Mask Debate, Hydroxycloroquine, Media Censorship and Dr. Anthony Fauci’s conflicts of interest.
Plandemic Movie with Judy Anne Mikovits, a true heroine of our time.